
회사이름을 밝히지 않는 곳, 회사와 관련이 없는 사람의 이메일 주소로는 어떠한 서류도 제출하지 마시기 바랍니다. 게시판 성격에 맞지 않는 상업적, 다단계, 등의 게시물 및 중복/도배글은 사전 예고 없이 삭제될 수 있습니다.
For my dissertation in Foreign and Second Language Education, I need native speakers of Korean who would be willing to participate in two short sessions ? one for listening and one for speaking. Both sessions combined last about 2 hours, for which you will receive $20.00.

To be eligible to participate, you must be a graduate student who has been certified to teach at OSU. If you are not yet certified, you may still participate if you earned a score of 27 or higher on the speaking section of the iBT TOEFL.

My study will gather listening and speaking data from a variety of graduate students at OSU, including Chinese, Indians, Koreans, and Americans. The goal of my research is to improve teaching methods for English pronunciation and listening comprehension for international academic purposes and to help prepare international students to become qualified as TAs at American universities.

Contact me via email if you can participate! Thank you! Jocelyn Hardman, hardman14osu@yahoo.com

Jocelyn Hardman
Foreign and Second Language Education
60 Arps Hall/1945 N. High St.
The Ohio State University
Columbus, OH 43210 USA
(W) 614-292-5005
(H) 937-767-2200