
회사이름을 밝히지 않는 곳, 회사와 관련이 없는 사람의 이메일 주소로는 어떠한 서류도 제출하지 마시기 바랍니다. 게시판 성격에 맞지 않는 상업적, 다단계, 등의 게시물 및 중복/도배글은 사전 예고 없이 삭제될 수 있습니다.
We are located 1127 North Hamilton Road.

Everybody speaks Korean aside from the dish washer, and there is no previous experience necessary.

Business hours are 11-10 on weekdays and 12-10:30 on Saturday, 5-9 on Sunday.

Being able to speak Korean is mandatory, and fluency in English is a big plus, along with previous experience as a server.

Daily wage is $15, plus tip which usually ends up around $120-150.

Contact the owner, Mr. Kim, at 614-578-2426.