
광고 및 선정적인 내용 또는 욕설이 포함되었거나 비방글의 경우에는 사전 예고 없이 삭제될 수 있으며 관리자가 정한 바에 따라 이용자의 자격을 적절한 방법으로 제한 및 정지, 상실시킬 수 있습니다. 처음 오시는 분은 자주묻는질문 게시판에 있는 글들을 한번 읽어 보시기 바라며 이곳 게시판에 질문을 하시기 전에 '제목+내용' 또는 '댓글'로 찾으시는 정보를 먼저 검색해보시기 바랍니다. 답변을 달아주신 분들께는 감사의 한마디 잊지 말아주세요!
장수2010.10.19 16:23

Oh.. I'm sorry but to tell you that you misunderstood the free phone policy. After one year (or two year, it depends) you started to use your cell phone, you are eligible to get a new phone for free or for a discounted price. And you didn't use your free phone at the first renewal time point according to your post. So you are eligible to get a new phone at any time since then. BUT if you read the policy carefully, your free new phone requires "new two (or one) year contract" automatically. In other words, even though you did not get the new phone about a year ago which was your first renewal time, you still need to "renew" your plan at the time of getting a new phone for free (or at discounted price).

I had the same problem years ago. So, I just switched to Verizon and got a new phone for a discounted price. Just transfer your phone number to new carrier to keep using the same number.

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