
광고 및 선정적인 내용 또는 욕설이 포함되었거나 비방글의 경우에는 사전 예고 없이 삭제될 수 있으며 관리자가 정한 바에 따라 이용자의 자격을 적절한 방법으로 제한 및 정지, 상실시킬 수 있습니다. 처음 오시는 분은 자주묻는질문 게시판에 있는 글들을 한번 읽어 보시기 바라며 이곳 게시판에 질문을 하시기 전에 '제목+내용' 또는 '댓글'로 찾으시는 정보를 먼저 검색해보시기 바랍니다. 답변을 달아주신 분들께는 감사의 한마디 잊지 말아주세요!
고고싱2010.09.20 06:48

현재 피셔에는 12가지 Specialization 이 있어요. 제 생각에는 Management Information Systems 하시고 졸업 후에 MBA 하면 좋겠네요.


Accounting The design and implementation of financial and cost accounting systems, both budget and actual.
Aviation Management Safe, efficient management of aviation and the development of new products and techniques for the aviation industry.
Economics The art of predicting how different economic entities will respond to changes in policies and external forces.
Finance The study of how to allocate scarce resources over time, in order to satisfy people's consumption preferences.
Human Resources  Recruiting, training, utilizing and maintaining qualified work forces, both in industry and government.
International Business Understanding and participating in worldwide production and distribution activities.
Logistics The design and manipulation of systems for the movement of products from points of production to points of consumption.
Marketing The conception, promotion, and physical distribution of goods and services to satisfy the economic needs of society.
Management Information Systems The art of applying information technology to enhance productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness of business processes.
Operations The activities related to producing and managing an organization's goods and services.
Real Estate The application of economic trends, business trends, zoning laws, financial services, and knowledge of urban society to meet the needs of parties buying or selling property.
Risk Management Providing recommendations for and management of measures taken to reduce the risk of damage to physical assets, exposure to legal liability, or injury to employees or customers.
Special Area The "Special Area" option is designed for students with a well-defined interest not represented by one the 12 BSBA program specializations.
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