
광고 및 선정적인 내용 또는 욕설이 포함되었거나 비방글의 경우에는 사전 예고 없이 삭제될 수 있으며 관리자가 정한 바에 따라 이용자의 자격을 적절한 방법으로 제한 및 정지, 상실시킬 수 있습니다. 처음 오시는 분은 자주묻는질문 게시판에 있는 글들을 한번 읽어 보시기 바라며 이곳 게시판에 질문을 하시기 전에 '제목+내용' 또는 '댓글'로 찾으시는 정보를 먼저 검색해보시기 바랍니다. 답변을 달아주신 분들께는 감사의 한마디 잊지 말아주세요!
scholarship2010.06.02 08:19

It does not matter that you are taking 4 quarters for the year.

The scholarship is for 12 quarters, with each quarter receiving $2200.

They say 4 years, because a typical student takes Autumn, Winter, Spring and takes off Summer; thus, attending 3 quarters per year for 4 years, and end up with a total of 12 quarters.

If you are indeed taking the summer quarter, you would be using up one of those 12 receiving quarters and still get the same amount $2200, and NOT $1650 what is suggested in above comment.


For international buckeye scholars' scholarship, you would be better off talking to the Office of International Affairs rather the Financial Aid Office, as OIA is the department that is awarding you with the scholarship.

Financial Aid office only facilitates the distribution of the award and making sure that you still meet all the requirements for the eligibility of the award.


Hope this helped.

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