
광고 및 선정적인 내용 또는 욕설이 포함되었거나 비방글의 경우에는 사전 예고 없이 삭제될 수 있으며 관리자가 정한 바에 따라 이용자의 자격을 적절한 방법으로 제한 및 정지, 상실시킬 수 있습니다. 처음 오시는 분은 자주묻는질문 게시판에 있는 글들을 한번 읽어 보시기 바라며 이곳 게시판에 질문을 하시기 전에 '제목+내용' 또는 '댓글'로 찾으시는 정보를 먼저 검색해보시기 바랍니다. 답변을 달아주신 분들께는 감사의 한마디 잊지 말아주세요!
오주한카2008.02.05 09:42
오하이오 주립대에는 조건부 입학을 할수가 없습니다. ALP 라고 랭귀지 코스는 있는데 가격이 많이 비싸요.

아래는 오하이오 주립대 어드미션 오피스에서 보내준 이메일 내용 입니다. 

By Ms. Paige Adams (Admissions Counselor - The Ohio State University)

Please be advised that Ohio State University does not offer conditional admission to the university. The Admissions Office will evaluate an application for academic qualification. You will then receive a letter from Ohio State that informs you that you have met the academic standards to be an undergraduate student at the Ohio State University for the quarter that you have applied to. 

In order to complete your admission, you need to submit the items described below:

You need to provide us with an official TOEFL score and financial documents. English proficiency and proof of financial support is required prior to issuing an official notice of admissions and an I-20.

If you wish to be considered for Admission to The American Language Program, the intensive English Language program on The Ohio State campus, you must complete an application form and pay the application fee.  Please see  http://esl.osu.edu/ALP/IE/Admission/Apply.html

Please be aware that the academic application and the ALP application can not be for the same quarter.  You can not attend the academic program until you have a passing TOEFL score.  The ALP application should be for a quarter or two before you plan to start the academic program.

ALP sends an I-20 for their program.  You take the ALP I-20 and the Letter of academic qualification to the U.S. embassey for obtain your visa.

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